Monday, March 18, 2013


Would you consider yourself bold in your faith? 
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to find out if someone knows Jesus?
Do you ask? 

I can't speak for anyone but myself and I know that more often than not
I tip-toe around if I'm not sure people know Jesus
Surely I can tell by their actions and I can set an example by how I live, right? 
That is not what the Lord has called us to at all 

It is Easter season
The time God gave his Son 
To die, to bleed, to suffer and be separated from the Father
for MY filthy rags 
Only to powerfully raise him from the dead
To display his power, compassion, love and grace 

I was blown away today by a sweet little 6 year old 
Ellie came with me to help with a school assignment 
She was such a rockstar and did an awesome job
We got back in the car 
Without hesitation, she said 
"Kendall, are you a Christian?" 

I couldn't help but smile at her willingness to be bold
She didn't think twice about asking 
She wanted to know if I knew the same Jesus she did 

I assured her that yes I was
We continued to have a sweet conversation about what it means to be a Christian
What Jesus did and what that looks like in our lives 
I loved hearing her stories about Jesus
The faith of a child-so tender and sweet with such trust in Jesus
What a reminder to trust in our God
Who is sovereign over ALL things 

Jesus spoke straight to my heart through Ellie's sweet spirit today
Thank you to a beautiful, loved, bold Ellie-bug

Will you be bold this Easter season? 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patricks Weekend

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE Spring 
I can't ever decide if fall or spring is my favorite season
after days like yesterday and today
Spring is well in the lead 

This morning Sarah Beth, her dear friend Lizanne, and I ran in the Get to the Green 10K
SB and Lizanne were such rockstars-what ballers 
Lizanne gets married NEXT WEEK so they were 
"sweating for the wedding"
What cuties

We could not have asked for a more beautiful morning to run 
The breeze was cool
The sun was shining 
It was just gorgeous 

The whole time I was running
I couldn't help but smile at the Lord's glory displayed through creation 
Today was beautiful 
We had lunch outside
Came back home & I desperately needed to school work 
So, what did I do
Took my stuff right outside sat in the sun 
Enjoyed the warm sun and cool breeze 

Thank you Lord for Spring
A fun St. Patrick's weekend 
and sweet sweet friends  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

At the Cross...

"He is not here. He has RISEN, just like He said." Matthew 28:6

At the cross, I am redeemed. At the cross, I am granted righteousness. At the cross, I am given unimaginable grace. At the cross, I am loved. At the cross, I am COMPLETE. 

Happy Easter season! Thank you Jesus for a torn veil and an empty tomb! 

"Jesus is the only One who can meet your deepest need to be known, accepted and pursued simply because of who you are."