Monday, August 20, 2012


My sweet Daddy never ceases to remind me that I need to update my blog
So here I am, back again 
I've said it before but I'm REALLY going to try 2 things 
To update my blog more often
AND take more pictures 
I think I can I think I can...

So here is where life has taken me
Finished summer classes-hoorah
2.5 week break-bigger HOORAH 
I have been able to enjoy my family, spend time with friends, 
have some much need R&R, and get my life together before school
(Can my break really be over already?!) 

This year will certainly play out differently than last 
This time last year, I had a classroom decorate and had started teaching Kindergarten
I am thankful to not be working full-time as that was just OVERLOAD
I am looking forward to "making the most of my time" (Eph. 5: 16)
In my time, which will be busy with classes, subbing, babysitting, etc
I desire to glorify the Lord and use the time that I have been so blessed with wisely 

I am at a stage of life where I have been given the gift of time
Time to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord 
Time to be intentional with family and friendships 
Time to find a great community and get plugged in
(takes some serious stepping out of my comfort zone-prayers appreciated:)
Time to invest in the gifts the Lord has graciously given me 
Time-to glorify the Lord and enjoy Him forever! 

Time to learn what it looks like to be a committed follower of the Lord! 
Chew on this nugget of truth...
(From the book "Not a fan. by Kyle Idleman-Highly Recommend It) 
"There is no way to follow Jesus without him interfering with your life...He wants to turn our lives upside down. Jesus wants complete renovation, Jesus is thinking overhaul, Jesus is thinking makeover, Jesus wants a complete remodel. Following Jesus WILL cost you something." 
What has it cost you?