Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Galatians 4:4-5a But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons! 

Happy Birthday, Jesus! 
Thank you, Father for the birth of your Son 
for Him to live a humble life 
 to be born to die  
to redeem the least of these 
What a precious gift! 

Merry Christmas! 


To say this post is late is an understatement 
But hey...
better late than never!! 

I went to Denver on a whim
and boy oh boy am I glad I did 
We had a GREAT time! 

I LOVED spending time with my sweet cousin Kathryn,
she is the greatest 
I needed and so enjoyed quality time with my sister,
our hostess with the mostest 

We maximized on our time there
We did a whole lot in a little bit of time 

Day 1: Kathryn and I flew in, naturally were starving 
ate at Park Burger-if you are ever in Denver you MUST go...YUM
We got settled and went to Golden, CO for the Miller Coors Brewery Tour 
Very interesting 
Shelby then cooked us a lovely meal-delicious 

Day 2: Shelby had to go to class so Kathryn and I got to sleep in...
we so appreciated that-we were quite exhausted 
Shopped on Pearl Street
Shelby met us for lunch at Gaiya-another must 
Changed hurry quick 
Hike up to St. Mary's glacier-brr chilly 
Supper and sleep to prepare for the slopes

Day 3: Copper Mountain, CO 
Day at the Slopes 
Copper's 40th Anniversary = a little busy
Pizza pie skiing...guilty 
Extremely cold..like 12 degrees mountain top-yikes
Back home-super hungry 
Machete for supper
Christmas lights of Denver 

Day 4: Denver Day 
Brunch at Jelly-OHH yes 
Cold day in denver-high of 24 and WINDY
16th Street Mall shopping/walking/trying to stay warm 
Denver Fellowship Church 
Supper in Cherry Creek 
Pack to leave :( 

Day 5: Shelby graciously takes us to the airport bright and early 
Fly out of denver on time..check
Arrive in Nashville...and a 6 hour delay 
What do we do?! 
Of course, get a taxi and head into the city for lunch and shopping 
We finally made it home with smiles on our faces and stories to tell :) 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I would not necessarily consider myself a spontaneous person 
I am pretty Type A 
I like a plan 
AND I typically like a plan WAY in advance 

Well, today, I was spontaneous 
My cousin Kathryn is flying to CO to see Shelby 
next Thursday 
Shelby called and said come on come come come 
after some persuasion
Flight booked I'm headed to CO 
IN ONE week 

I finish class for the semester Wednesday night 
Drive up to Greenville
Leave on a jet plane early Thursday morning 
for girl time with my seester and cousin 
Who is excited? 
THIS girl! 

Are you spontaneous? 
What's the last spontaneous thing you did? 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ready, Set, Race

Ready, Set, Race...
The words I will be hearing (or similar) in 22 weeks 
154 days 

It's official 
I am signed up 
Plans are made 
Looking forward to a girls weekend away in Disney World 
And my very first 1/2 Marathon 

My dear friend Courtney and I are running the race together
And maybe Kristin...we WANT you :) 
Mom, Mrs. Lisa, Mrs. Lee Ann and maybe others 
WHOA, it might take me 22 weeks to prepare for the crew 
All the laughter and fun--I can hardly wait 

(Bridge Run Race 2012)

As I was running today  
I realized that this endeavor, although I am looking forward to it
WILL be a challenge 

So here I am giddy, anxious, excited
Rallying the troops
I am going to need LOTS of prayer 

Request 1: I don't have a running partner here in Columbia
would love one
Request 2: Since I don't have a partner...
motivation and accountability 
Request 3: As my schedule is busy and often unpredictable 
Consistency in my running 
Request 4: Perseverance 
Request 5: Health, SAFETY and wisdom 

Thank you friends and family
Just keep running by HIS strength and grace:)  

Hebrews 12: 1-2 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and the perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right had of the throne of God! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life Lately

Mid-September and let me tell you 
My life looks MUCH different than it did a year ago at this time 

What's so different? 
Last year I was into the school year 
Learning the ropes and busier than I can even fathom now 

This year 
I am not quite as busy
I am learning what life looks like with time
Yet have managed to keep myself quite busy 
I'm subbing at EPA, tutoring, babysitting here and there
AND trying to keep up with LOTS of school work 

Learning to get involved, to build community
learning that that takes time...and patience
Learning about new seasons of life 
yet loving that I serve a sovereign God 
who has it ALL under control 

Photo Re-cap of Life Lately 

 Celebrated this roommate of mine...whom is such a blessing and her 24 years of life

Although I have said I am DONE until it cools off
WAY too hot for this chick
(I'll cheer them on from my nice air-conditioned box seat...aka my sofa :)

*We did take pictures from the 1st game at home as well I just cannot seem to locate them...Look for them in the near future :) 

That's right, we all will be packing heat 
Concealed weapons class
Informative and Comical-best of BOTH worlds

No picture for this HOWEVER
Sunday was such a great day
I finally reunited with my old babysitter in Columbia
She wasn't just any ole babysitter, she was a part of the family
She kept me since I was 2, Shelby and I were in her wedding
She now lives in Columbia, goes to the same church
is happily married and has 3 BEAUTIFUL girls!
We had a great morning catching up and I am looking forward to seeing more of them and spending time with their family
Thank you Debbie and Jay for a GREAT day!
Love you!

And this dear friend and her Husband welcomed a beautiful baby boy into this world yesterday afternoon!
Welcome to the world Camden Joseph! We Love You!

Up Next:
Amber and Michael get married this weekend
Lake Keowee here we come
Yippee! Fall wedding circuit, lets GO :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Sunday

Ephesians 2: 4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved!

We are an incredibly sinful people
We live in a world full of brokenness
We live in a world in which Satan wants nothing more than to intend evil 

BUT GOD, (those are my favorite verses in the bible)
who is all powerful, all merciful, all loving
gracious, just, and faithful
takes what Satan intended for evil
and turns it into something BEAUTIFUL 

Those trials, struggles, and burdens
are what God is using to refine us
mold us and create us more in the likeness of Him 

And in all of life, no matter what the circumstance 
ultimately it is for HIS glory
Let's meet the real Jesus face to face
Fall in love with Him all over TODAY
Happy Sunday

"Your love never fails, it never gives up , it NEVER runs out on me! In death in life I'm confident and covered by the power of your great love, My debt is paid there's NOTHING that can separate my heart from your great love!!!!"
-Jesus Culture-

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sarah Beth

Sarah Elizabeth Allen
Born 24 years ago TODAY 
A girl that is beautiful from the inside out, has incredible fashion, and an unbelievable sense of humor (it is an Allen trait) 

It was not until August 2007 that she was brought into my life 
We had a great friendship from the beginning 
Freshman year we said "Wouldn't it be so fun if we lived together..." 
Of course at the time, we meant during our college years 
OHH but did our faithful God have better plans...and a sense of humor 
He went on to do big things through both of our experiences at Clemson 
Then brought us back together to start grown up life together 
(OOOHHH Freshman Year :)
We entered the real world, teaching careers...and further education in Columbia SC
We have a precious place that we have made home for us
I could not have asked for a better girl to start grown up life with

Sarah Beth, you have been so supportive
Have kept me laughing
Have been there when I just need to cry
Have encouraged me in my relationship with Jesus
You have given great advice, even when it's hard to hear
And have been a wonderful friend

I cannot wait to see what treasures the Lord has stored up for you sweet girl
He has BIG plans for your life and I am thankful I get to see him work another year in YOU
Happy Birthday dear friend!
I love you! 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The beginnings

It is official
College Football is HERE 

I was able to go the Clemson/Auburn game yesterday 
Let me tell you, it was HOT but we had a great time 
Lots of walking, even more laughter, and even more cheering 
What a way to begin the season...bringing home a win for the Clemson Tigers

Clemson Tigers  
Carolina Gamecocks 
Auburn Tigers 
Georgia Bulldogs 
Florida Gators 

Whoever you cheer for, this season is a big one in the south
It is time of friendship and fellowship 
Tailgating in the miserable heat 
Sore throats from loud cheering 
Unruly fans (unfortunately) 
Outfit dilemmas 
And just hoping & praying that YOUR team wins 

With the start of football I am reminded of these beginnings: 
Cool weather-we hope sooner rather than later
Changing leaves 
Pumpkin Spice Latte's..YES please 
Pumpkin anything for that matter 

And most of all, the beginning of new life seasons 
Wherever you are and whatever the circumstances
The Lord is faithful
Thank you Jesus for doing something new 

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I am doing a NEW thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert." 

Monday, August 20, 2012


My sweet Daddy never ceases to remind me that I need to update my blog
So here I am, back again 
I've said it before but I'm REALLY going to try 2 things 
To update my blog more often
AND take more pictures 
I think I can I think I can...

So here is where life has taken me
Finished summer classes-hoorah
2.5 week break-bigger HOORAH 
I have been able to enjoy my family, spend time with friends, 
have some much need R&R, and get my life together before school
(Can my break really be over already?!) 

This year will certainly play out differently than last 
This time last year, I had a classroom decorate and had started teaching Kindergarten
I am thankful to not be working full-time as that was just OVERLOAD
I am looking forward to "making the most of my time" (Eph. 5: 16)
In my time, which will be busy with classes, subbing, babysitting, etc
I desire to glorify the Lord and use the time that I have been so blessed with wisely 

I am at a stage of life where I have been given the gift of time
Time to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord 
Time to be intentional with family and friendships 
Time to find a great community and get plugged in
(takes some serious stepping out of my comfort zone-prayers appreciated:)
Time to invest in the gifts the Lord has graciously given me 
Time-to glorify the Lord and enjoy Him forever! 

Time to learn what it looks like to be a committed follower of the Lord! 
Chew on this nugget of truth...
(From the book "Not a fan. by Kyle Idleman-Highly Recommend It) 
"There is no way to follow Jesus without him interfering with your life...He wants to turn our lives upside down. Jesus wants complete renovation, Jesus is thinking overhaul, Jesus is thinking makeover, Jesus wants a complete remodel. Following Jesus WILL cost you something." 
What has it cost you? 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Chisel Away

"O Great God be glorified 
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified..." 

The last few weeks have been 
let's say 

In more ways than one 
learning a whole lot in the midst 

Busy days have meant no exercise 
If you know me you know I NEED that 
Long days mean exhaustion 
Fading quickly 
Full days mean pretty much 
NO life 
Eventful schedules have kept me 
busy, tired, and in need of grace 

The Lord, through struggles and irritable trials 
is refining me 
Honestly, it hurts 
It's not fun to have those places of 
pride, bitterness, resentment, uneasiness and uncertainty 
chiseled away

However, I am thankful 
Sweet Jesus is refining me into who He wants me to be 
and is weaving HIS story through my life 
and above all 

Psalm 115:1 Not to us, LORD, not to us but to YOU be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

Happy day after the 4th of July 
Independence and Freedom
We take those things for granted WAY too much 

We had a lovely day celebrating freedom at the lake 
It was lovely to be playing on the water 
Laughing with friends and family 
Eating yumpcious food of course
Basking in the freedom we experience 

We are free to laugh, free to enjoy friendships, free to dance
free to read scripture
free to pray 
free to have accountability 
free to live in the freedom of GRACE 

We serve a sovereign God who gives us a huge umbrella of grace 
He died so that we can LIVE 
and LIVE to the full (John 10:10) 

What a blessing to have the freedom to dance through this life
(even WHEN we screw up) 
To live with the fruits of the Spirt
(even when its a struggle)
To live freely because of our sweet Saviors grace 

Happy Freedom Dancing!  

Monday, July 2, 2012

Small Summer Recap

I've been able to document a few things going on this summer
I miss these little ones a lot and I hope they are having a fantabulous summer 

We've celebrated a few birthdays in the Salley household 
Happy Birthday Mom, Evan, and Grandmother 

AND we have gotten to spend some time at the lake-YIPPEE

Heading back to the lake for fun on the 4th 
Taking pictures is my goal
Help me do it Court :)  
Looking forward to sun, laughter, water, boats, family and friends 
Y'all have a happy and safe Independence Day celebration! 


Lamentations 3:22-25
"The LORD's lovingkindesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him" 

I have been a terrible blogger as of late
I am terribly sorry about that and I PROMISE I am going to try to get better 

I keep thinking I will get a second to breath but it hasn't happened yet
Summer school has been going on for about 6 ish weeks now 
It has been quite hectic, busy, and challenging 

We just finished our 1st summer session class
Are on the 5th week of ESY (extended school year) 
AND have begun our next TWO summer 2 classes 
F is all ready to be a famous cheerleader in Hollywood :) 
Thank you team California 

Therefore days are made up of entertaining children from 9-1:00 
Class from 1:30-3:30
A super awkward break and class again from 5-7:15 
Phew, does it make you tired?! 

Long days and I have never been more thankful for a sweet family that lives in Orangeburg...
You know what that means-no summer commuting, support, meals, and everything else I could possibly need-hallelujiah!
Y'all really are the BEST Mom and Dad-THANK YOU! 

As I have reflected on my first year of teaching, the main words of learning have been  dependence and flexibility. Jobs changed often, attitudes and actions changed and I had to remain flexible, learn to choose JOY, and to love well even when that was a challenge, which was more often than not!

What do you know...our Sweet Savior is still teaching me what it looks like to be flexible, what it looks like to work with challenging people, what it looks like to love well and have compassion.
Learning to have my full and COMPLETE identity in Him because I am redeemed and I am HIS!

All these precious children in my life, people I interact with, friendships, and relationships have been such a learning experience of the Lord's grace and mercy! I mess up every single day and I do not do things that I should and do things I shouldn't but there is a HUGE umbrella of grace. The Lord continues to delight in me, continues to use life and people to mold me and shape me into who He wants me to become, and continues to show me his mercies EVERYDAY!

Thank you Jesus for beautiful reminders such as these of your grace, mercy, faithfulness, unfailing and everlasting LOVE to us!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dependence and Love

As school is coming to an end, Kindergarten school that is...
I cannot believe that I've almost completed my 1st year of teaching 

*Wedding season is underway-Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bynum* 

I was talking with my parents last week and they asked 
"If you could sum up in one word what you've learned this year, what would it be?" 
I tell you what, they ask GOOD questions 

They had a word in mind already but guess what, it was different than mine
2 perspectives are always good and reflection is uber important 
So what are they...
I said I have learned dependence; dependence on the Lord and not being so self-reliant 
They said I have learned flexibility-this I have learned in a serious way as well (coming up next...) 

~ More often than not I depend on myself for decisions, my physical and emotional state, my strength and joy. Funny thing is, it never works when I depend on measly me! 
I absolutely would not have made it through this year without my sweet Savior to depend on, to give me strength, perseverance, and joy! I have had wonderful friends, family and accountability to walk through this journey with me and help me learn what it looks like to seek the heart of the Lord, to dance under his umbrella of grace, to have a praying and teachable heart! 
~ I am so thankful for this year I have had at East Point Academy. The precious children who have taught me much more than I could every teach them, the wonderful co-workers I've had, the trials and challenges, the fun and laughter!  
My dear friend and accountability partner Lucy and I have been reading the book called "A Praying Life" by Paul E. Miller (fabulous book) and it is so packed with rich truths! Everyone has their own "desert," big or small, at different times of life: this is a quote that I really love: 
    " God takes everyone he LOVES through a desert. It is His cure for our wandering hearts, restlessly searching for a new eden...The best gift of the desert is God's presence...The protective love of the Shepherd give me courage to face the interior journey." 

~Jesus LOVES me--the Lord's love doesn't always mean roses, smiles, happiness and acceptance. No, it means going to whatever means necessary for you to rely and DEPEND on him! The Lord's love is displayed in so many ways throughout scripture, because the Lord LOVED Job, he took everything from him; because the Lord loved David through his trials, because the Lord loved Jonah, he kept him in a whale for 3 days...and so many more stories throughout scripture
I am so thankful for the ups and the downs, the struggles and temptations, the joys and mountain tops because in the midst of ALL that has gone on this year, and it has been a WHOLE lot...
I can say with sure confidence and a heart learning dependence its because
HE loves me enough...

Psalm 36:7 "How precious is your steadfast love, O God..."

Monday, May 28, 2012


As many of you know 
my sweet seester Shelby has been home
since May 16 
It is now May 28 and she is STILL here 
That is like 12 days and we still have one more day with her
It has been so wonderful having her home
We have played, she's met and hung out with my friends, we shopped, we giggled, and have spent some great quality time together
And now it will be sad to see her go 

She is going back to her home in CO to start a new adventure 
For those that do not know, Shelby and I could not be MORE different 
However, I could not ask for a better best friend 

Her life is an adventure, she is brave, she takes huge leaps of faith
like moving to CO (I think she forgot that's like 1200 miles away) 
I see her trust in the Lord displayed in her life 
She is carefree, silly and goofy, always keeps me laughing, and just enjoys life

I am happy to say that she is going back to start nursing school at the University of Colorado 
She'll make the best nurse
She is compassionate and loving, patient and kind 
Everyone will LOVE her

Here's to you my dear sister 
Until I come to you in CO
Which is very soon I HOPE (hint hint wink wink mom and dad)  
And we can hike a 14er and do fun Colorado things
I'll miss you! 
I love you to Denver and back double infinity times :)