Thursday, September 29, 2011


Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." 

I'm a planner
I am type A
I live by lists of all sorts and post-it notes galore

My planner is full of sticky notes here and there
If I didn't have that structure
my life would be a HOT mess

The part that just ruffles my feathers is...
my plans, notes, and lists just DON'T always go my way
It has happened oodles and boocoodles of times
yet I still continue to plan, plan, plan and make list after list

In the past couple of days,weeks, and months, Jesus has just been working through me in some super REAL ways
As hard as it is, my sweet redeemer has been ruffling my feathers right up and showing me that my plans are not his purpose

Effective planning is important and is very biblical!
On Sunday, our sermon was about planning and being successful in that! (I think Jesus knew what I needed to hear, ya think?)
There is a challenge with effective planning
Ensuring that your plans are serving both you and the Lord

Huh? You mean it's not all about what I want and how I plan it to happen
Ha-that's a funny joke! Does it ever happen that way?
No say I...

If I am being completely vulnerable, I usually lose the battle on this challenge.
When I plan...I think, how will this help me? How is this going to make me more successful? 
I am clearly missing a real big part of my planning equation...jesus! 

The bible says "don't worry about tomorrow" but that does not mean do not plan for tomorrow.
Plan for tomorrow but SURRENDER those plans to the one who is mighty to save, to the one whose thoughts and ways are higher, and to the one who is the author of the book of life...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Crossing the lines.

I am on a journey that involves crossing some lines
Crossing lines culturally
Crossing lines spiritually
Crossing lines mentally, phsyically, and emotionally. 

God has promised that EVERYTHING has a time
Ecclesiastes 3 is a beautiful promise 
Yet, sometimes it feels like that promise is extremely far fetched

Friday was one of those days
One of those days that I really just wanted to quit
One of those days where I was thinking, Lord is it supposed to be this hard?
God, will I make it through? I don't think I am strong enough to endure this task! 

Two things happened that got me to thinking
I texted my mom to ask for some extra prayer on Friday cause it was just "one of those days" 
Her response was of course that they'd be praying right then but also the encouragement that the Lord NEVER promised easy
However, he did promise that he'd be there EVERY step of the way 

I am having to cross the lines of learning
how to depend on the Lord
how to give up control that I SOO want to have
how to function on not so much sleep
how to manage my time VERY effectively 

Second thing, as I was boo-hooing to my principle, who is great
She said, "Kendall, this is challenging because we are having to cross cultural lines that are unfamiliar..." 
How true is that, unfamiliarity is hard because it is so not comfortable 

What she said after really got me to thinking
She said, "we will all be richer for it in the end" 
Now richer, not in wealth or gifts 
but in our knowledge and experience

How true is that, The Lord is using me for "such a time as this" 
I am crossing so many lines but I do confidently believe and am clinging to the hope that my sweet savior makes "everything beautiful in it's time" 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Does this give you an idea of my classroom? 
Let's think of some descriptive words...

Spunky, Sassy
**Please notice little girl in the back-feet above her head-why yes she beats to her own drum**
 Unique, Goofy 
Loving, Precious & Adorable

Needless to say...they keep me on my tippy toes :) 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Priceless Challenge.

   Remember that time I said Kindergarteners say really funny things...well they do! I am so enjoying my precious kiddos and they really are so stinkin' cute! I guess I am just looking at them as my priceless challenges for now! Each one of them bring so much enthusiasm to the class, have such varying personalities, and each have their own unique stories-priceless!

They might make me go crazy at some point but goodness I do love them a whole lot! I told them they are going to make me go coo-coo for coco puffs-funny thing-I don't even like those but they thought it was the greatest thing they've ever heard!

So I have this little boy-who is just ALL boy. That being said, he really has been quite a challenge. I am just having to figure out what works for him and how he will work with the rest of our class-my other boys tend to feed off of him! He came in the other day-this was a week or so ago-and at about 10 he just lost it! I mean on the floor crying saying "his stomach hurts." I knew that he was hungry-lunch was in about 15 minutes-but he just couldn't get himself together. He was sitting on my lap and we were just chatting and he said "Ms. Salley sometimes I just get grouchy when I'm hungry..." in just a precious little voice. How cute is that?! I kind of had to turn my head to laugh. I told him that the same thing happens to me sometimes and he was amazed!

Another challenge I am having is with my afternoon bunch. Phew, I just cannot even seem to manage them. I know part of it is the time of day and that they haven't gone outside or really much of anywhere all day but goodness they wear me out. So suggestions would be so helpful! The Lord is using this time to really teach me to rely on him for strength when I am so weak!

I keep forgetting to take my camera but I promise I will be putting up pictures oh so soon! Thank you for all your support and prayers as I continue to embark on this journey that has become a priceless challenge!