Saturday, September 24, 2011

Crossing the lines.

I am on a journey that involves crossing some lines
Crossing lines culturally
Crossing lines spiritually
Crossing lines mentally, phsyically, and emotionally. 

God has promised that EVERYTHING has a time
Ecclesiastes 3 is a beautiful promise 
Yet, sometimes it feels like that promise is extremely far fetched

Friday was one of those days
One of those days that I really just wanted to quit
One of those days where I was thinking, Lord is it supposed to be this hard?
God, will I make it through? I don't think I am strong enough to endure this task! 

Two things happened that got me to thinking
I texted my mom to ask for some extra prayer on Friday cause it was just "one of those days" 
Her response was of course that they'd be praying right then but also the encouragement that the Lord NEVER promised easy
However, he did promise that he'd be there EVERY step of the way 

I am having to cross the lines of learning
how to depend on the Lord
how to give up control that I SOO want to have
how to function on not so much sleep
how to manage my time VERY effectively 

Second thing, as I was boo-hooing to my principle, who is great
She said, "Kendall, this is challenging because we are having to cross cultural lines that are unfamiliar..." 
How true is that, unfamiliarity is hard because it is so not comfortable 

What she said after really got me to thinking
She said, "we will all be richer for it in the end" 
Now richer, not in wealth or gifts 
but in our knowledge and experience

How true is that, The Lord is using me for "such a time as this" 
I am crossing so many lines but I do confidently believe and am clinging to the hope that my sweet savior makes "everything beautiful in it's time" 

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