Sunday, October 30, 2011


I LOVE the fall
It is my absolute FAVORITE season
The cool mornings, pleasant afternoons
The leaves changing colors
Red, yellow, orange
The crisp air

I love pumpkins
Scarecrows and mums
Fall decorations
I just love them
Did you know that fall is SO much fun in Kindergarten?
Especially pumpkins, digging out the seeds-how exciting is that?
The squeals, ooo's, and eeeks at the goop...priceless

 Don't you LOVE this face! :) 

Hope you have some valuable moments like this during this splendid fall season :)

Friday, October 28, 2011


It's been a while
What can I say, life is BUSY to say the least
Can you believe it is already the end of October
I certainly cannot, time is flying by 

This busyness of life continues to throw me curve balls left and right
Deciding how to handle those is quite a challenge
However, I am getting by with a little help
okay okay A LOT of help from a multitude of people 

I do have to shout-out to my amazing family, ALL of them
They are unbelievably wonderful, supportive, encouraging
and they are so good to me and I so do not deserve it AT ALL 
Thankfully, there is a huge umbrella of grace that covers me

I've started going to Sunday School at Shandon Baptist church and I am really enjoying it
We have been talking about dancing through life lavished in our sweet savior's grace
How often do we forget about that grace?
I can say wholeheartedly that I can get so wrapped up in the world's ways and fall into the trap of an undeserving heart and mind that I so don't go through life as FREE as you and I were born to live

YES we deserve NOTHING but death 
However, God's great grace is bigger, deeper, and so bountiful
Let's get out of that shell we encase ourselves in and
DANCE for joy in the abundant life we live thanks to our GRACIOUS savior!!! 
Wake up every morning and remind yourself of that precious umbrella of grace that extends over us. Thank you Jesus :) 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hearts of Servants

Jesus always meets you RIGHT where we are
Isn't that such a blessing?! 
He is leading me where He wants me to go
And guess what, he wants me to willingly follow  
With glad anticipation of what is around the corner 

We are coming full circle here
For those of you that have been following me from the beginning 
I am back to where the Lord is screaming SURRENDER 

Why is that so dagblassted difficult? 
I know Jesus would not give me anything I cannot handle
I know that He has promised to be with me EVERY step of the way

At this phase of life, I spend a LOT of time in the car
To and from Columbia 3 times a week 
It is sometimes in that still quiet driving along that the Lord really speaks to my heart

Last night was one of those nights 
I was listening to the song "Heart of Servants" by Shane and Shane 
The chorus says "Give us a picture of your face, show us the measure of your grace, reveal the love of the Father, put within us tenderness, release from us all selfishness, we'll consider them better, we're yours, gives us hearts of servants" 

A few words/phrases really got to me, selfishness, better, hearts of servants...
I am in a unique situation in the bilingual immersion school
Why am I NOT surrendering?
Why AM I being so selfish-thinking me me me?
Why do I NOT have the heart of a servant that the Lord requires? 

Simple-I am a sinner in need of a sweet savior! 
Thank goodness for that GIANT umbrella of grace
For His overwhelming mercy 

I am so thankful the Lord meets me EXACTLY where I am 
even driving down 26 listening to some tunes :) 
I am praying and desire to have a willing servants heart of surrender