Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lead me to the cross!

 "We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. DO YOU WANT A CROSS CENTERED LIFE? A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days." 
-C.J. Mahaney 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hustle and Bustle...

  I read a devotional today that really hit home for me! We fill up our lives with all the things that we HAVE TO do, yet in the hustle and bustle of life, we do not leave room for the things that create real, pure, SIMPLE joy! I make time to fix my coffee in the morning (for those of you who do not know is a serious addiction :), to go to school every day, to spend an abundant amount of time doing work for school (life of an OCD perfectionist-oops), to watch that TV show that I absolutely cannot miss, laundry, cook, etc! For each one of us, the "have to's'' are different but for each one of us, they fill our days! 

  What about the things that make me ME, that sweeten my life, that put a smile on my face, and that create in me a rich lifestyle. How often do I leave my cup of "have to's" to full to fit  in those things! One of my absolute favorite things to do is giggle! I cannot tell you the last time that I just sat with my friends and really, i mean REALLY, enjoyed them! Didn't worry about what I had to do next, what needed to be done instead of what I was doing and really just laughing and loving them! I love to read and I do make time for that, but most of the time, I am thinking--I should really be doing this instead of reading. We need these things that we really enjoy to recharge ourselves and give us a new kind of energy! Time with Jesus-goodness if that is not convicting to is so often that spending time in the Word is the very first thing I give up in my day! My source of true joy, light, life, and energy is going to come from that sweet time spent with the Savior. I am blessed beyond belief but more often than not I am in a selfish mindset thinking of what I NEED rather than thinking of what I can do, through the gifts the Lord has blessed me with, to make some one else's day! And doing it selflessly...I am reminded of a verse in Philippians 2 that says "Do NOTHING out of selfish ambition..." Everything that I do, every day should be done not for my will, nor for my own glory but for the glory of the Lord! Surrendering myself to God's will instead of going my own way! 

  All these things that get I give up are things that I have to really be intentionally about making the action happen? Leaving room in my life for the things that will give me abundant energy, life, love, and joy! Will you be intentional in what you fill your day with? 

Philippians 2:13 "For it is God who works in YOU to will and to act in order to fulfill HIS good purpose!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gold Teeth :)

  Part of my student teaching semester is creating and teaching a unit for a subject or a theme. I chose to teach dental health and I taught my first lesson in the unit today! With it being my first week back after being so sick I am still a little low on energy and am trying to play catch up! Of course it would happen that this week my supervisor needed to come observe my lesson! So, being a little OCD, I was just ready for her to come and be caught up so she came today! My lesson went really well and was SUCH an improvement from the last one she watched which is always a good thing!

  Today we learned about keeping our teeth clean and healthy. We were doing a chart about the children already know about teeth and one little boy was just so excited to tell me what he knew about teeth...if only I would have known before what would come out of his mouth. With the most serious face he said you get them gold teeth without brushing them! I just could not help but laugh because that is of course probably what he has seen! Just put a smile on my face!

 I have found myself, over the past several weeks just so at peace with what I am doing! I was talking with my friend Molly this morning about how much more relaxed this semester has been compared to last! When teaching lessons last semester, they were so incredibly structured and I was always so much more nervous, whereas this semester, it has become much more natural. I have even found myself become much more relaxed...I am one who likes things done a certain way and with a structure to follow, but that is just not completely possible in our little kindergarten class. I have already learned so much about myself this semester and am continually learning so much! More dental health on the way...maybe even some gold teeth. :)
Molly and I are in this student teaching adventure together! Would not be able to make it through each day without this precious friend! :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome to Teaching...

    For the past 5 days I have been home sick with the Flu, yuck! My sweet parents came to get me on Monday night and let me tell you, I felt rotten! The flu will certainly knock you out for days and I am still feeling pretty weak and tired! As I was covering all my bases for being out of school, some of my supervisors first words were "welcome to teaching..." So there it is, the life of a teacher hanging out with 25 incredibly precious, fun, sweet, but germy children!

   During the week, while I was out, I found myself somewhat frustrated because I was missing out on SO much, I mean one week of Kindergarten is a WHOLE lot. I was supposed to do a lesson for my teacher to observe, that did not happen, I was supposed to have my unit plan somewhat underway, it is not, and I should have my lesson somewhat planned for my supervisor to come to next week....don't worry not even close to being thought of! Yes I could get crackin' on some of these things but I have been out for a week, I don't know what they covered and what we will cover. If you remember, my teacher doesn't write lesson plans or anything of the sort so I don't have that to fall back on so really I need her council in order to get anything done ;) So it looks like all of that will be on hold until Monday!

  Parts of me would love to just do what I want to do, but I have to continually remind myself that it is HER classroom, she is a fabulous teacher, knows what she wants them to do/learn, because most importantly she is getting those little ones ready for 1st grade! So not only am I having to learn to surrender to the Lord but also surrendering to my own will! I can get so bogged down in "what is" right now when I do not look at the whole perspective that this is just a page in my grand story the Lord has written for my life! I read a devotion the other day that was just so perfect! This little excerpt is really full of truth that speaks right to me...

"Today, I’m considering my life as a grand story. Good will triumph. The victory will be sweeter because of the struggle. Today is not the story. It’s just page 452. So I will press on, trusting in a loving and creative Author to bring about resolution. You see, I already know the ending – she lives happily ever after."
-Proverbs 31 Ministries

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Break and Surrender

Proverbs 1:23 "Come and listen to my counsel. I will share my heart with you and make you wise." 

   What a week it has been! A long one that is for sure but it has certainly been a fun one! One more day until the weekend! :) I am enjoying my time at school and am actually finding myself ready to go back the next morning--what an answer to prayer! Thanks for all your prayers, support and encouragement! 

   On Tuesday I was reading Proverbs 1, for the first day of February, and verse 23 really stood out to me! I could not quite figure out why so my prayer was just for illumination over  the verse and for the Lord to speak to me! A lot of times I have a real hard time deciphering between my thoughts and the Lord's but the recurring part that continually stood out to me was "I will share my heart with you..." I have worked so hard at 'guarding and protecting my heart,' which I think is a good thing but there are always extremes to the "rules!" Out of fear of being hurt, I have built up walls around my heart that I have a hard time willingly surrendering all of my heart to our sweet savior, when in reality sharing ALL of my heart with him will only bring me unfathomable joy! 

  So as I was reading this verse the Lord was so clearly saying "Kendall, I am absolutely willing to put EVERYTHING at risk in order to share my heart with you and yet you will not do the same?" He wants to share his heart with ME, he wants me to know him, inside and out, and he wants me to see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of his heart! WOW--how cool is that the Lord not only really wants me to know him but he really wants to know me! That takes breaking down the walls of my heart and allowing it to be molded and shaped through the most perfect relationship I will ever have. That is my hope, prayer, and challenge...breaking and surrendering the walls of my heart to the Lord! Allowing Him to climb over the walls of my heart and bring me joy, peace, and love will create in me a heart willing to be captivated by Jesus!