Sometimes I feel like days go on and on and weeks will never end...
Then, I blink my eyes and its a new month--it's nuts, seriously!
As we continue to talk about grace, the Lord is uprooting things in me through this wonderful Sunday school class
This week, something so simple that I am SO guilty of...i am down right a people pleaser
I would HATE to hurt someone's feelings, I'd love for everyone to be happy
Wouldn't that make life easy, if everything went as planned
All were happy and you never had to stand up for yourself
Ha-wouldn't that be nice
Too bad it is just not that easy
People pleasers tend to be push-overs, say yes even when we want to say no,
say I "should" have done this, and is absolutely BAFFLED by the concept of take it easy and relax
If that is not Kendall Blair in a nutshell I am not sure what is
Thankfully, the solution is God's grace
Robert S. McGee says "Grace says, I am deeply loved, fully pleasing, totally forgiven, accepted and complete in Christ."
When I focus on giving thanks for God's abundant grace, the focus is drawn off of me and onto it should be
Striving to grasp onto the fact that grace can CHANGE me
and doing that by searching for the "but when God" moments each day (Galatians 1:15)
How is the Lord transforming your life through HIS grace?!
Romans 5: 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
You ARE a people pleaser, BUT you are so caring, thoughtful, sweet, and nurturing! Love you!!