Kindergarten quote of the day: (while walking to activity)
Conner: "Miss Salley, how much do you weigh?
Me: "Conner, word to the wise, you never ask a girl that...but much more than you!"
What time of year is guessed it, FLU season! Yuck! Out of our 25 students today we had TEN out sick! I'm sorry but that is a whole lot of sick children. My immune system has not quite built up that strong yet, so lets all cross our fingers that I stay well! (although the past two days I have been so achy)
It is yet another week in kindergarten and no I am not totally 'all there' quite yet but it is slowly but surely getting there. This week I started doing some small things in the classroom like morning read aloud, attendance, lunch count, and the morning news show. On monday, my teacher and I were also working frantically all day to do math assessments! Report card grades were due TODAY...don't worry she got them done an hour and a half early! :) We are having some visitors tomorrow also, so we were working hard today to spice up the room a little bit with some more art work! We, by we I mean Ms. Pruitt, made the most precious bulletin board in absolutely no time at all! I must say that I was VERY impressed! The children and I finger painted some snowmen, needless to say I came home with paint EVERYWHERE!
It's only Tuesday and I've already been excited, frustrated, frazzled, but most importantly have learned a lot! What my eyes have really been open to is looking past 'what appears' and really looking and 'investigating' what is! (we have been doing science investigations this week-the word is on the brain) I am talking about my teacher! At the beginning I thought, this is never going to work, however she is a WONDERFUL teacher! I am so enamored by her artistic ability! She integrates every subject into art and the children just love and I think it is so fun! If you know me at all you know that my art talent is severely lacking. :) I can be creative, but artistic...absolutely not, therefore I am so jealous of her talent. She does it on such a whim as well, whereas I would question whether it would look good! She told me today that she works best under pressure, is a huge procrastinator, and an overachiever-none of those go together AT ALL but she seems to make them work so well! We are very alike in that she is not going to do something if it will not be great and she is an overachiever...HALLELUJAH similarities! :) Anyway, after all that rambling, I am continuing to see all that I can learn from her! Still seeking to build a relationship with her and make this a wonderful semester!
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