Friday, March 25, 2011


How easy is to flee when things get hard, uncomfortable, or challenging thinking it, whatever it may be, will be easier that way and that it can be simply forgotten. False truth my friends, that is Satan trying to tempt us to move away rather than STAY right where the Lord wants us so he can mold and shape us into who He wants us to become! It is when we stay that we will learn an abiding love for the Lord and the friends and family that surround us!

The bible tells us of some many people of old that stayed through the conflict, the struggle,
the persecution and the suffering of the sake of the Gospel! Paul went through so much but he never left, although I'm sure he wanted to at times, he longed to stay so that the Lord would be glorified.

What brought this on? I can pinpoint so many times that I have just escaped, mentally or physically, a situation because I thought that was the "easy" way out! What I have learned is that, God is sovereign and WILL work everything together for the good of those who love him. I have also learned, the hard way, that those things we flee from can often have consequences! We are not perfect, we will ALWAYS make mistakes, we will make poor life decisions, we will have our hearts broken and be disappointed, but through our weakness the power of the Lord shines through! How stinkin' cool?

The challenge for myself and for you is to stay through the pain, the conflict, the struggle, and the challenges that life brings us so that we may ultimately be all that the Lord wants us to be! That we make ourselves vulnerable to be molded and shaped! Will you stay?!?!

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 For he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break...

And so it begins, the week where Clemson is a ghost town, yet I am still here! Luckily, however, my sweet roommate Taylor is on the rowing team so she has to stay for practice! Ahh I have never been more thankful to have an athlete roommate! She and some of her friend-Katie and Marissa-also rowers have basically moved in for the week so never fear, I am not alone! I am so happy they are here and I am enjoying getting to know them and spend time with them! Turns out, that our apartment has been the place to be this week and I just love it! However, they have practice but nothing else and I still have to go to school and work :/ They are all playing and I want to play too!

Anyway, school this week has been great so far! Although, I have been in a strange mindset since all my friends are gone! Still been fun! :)

Funny story to share:
   A few weeks ago as we were reading a book, we taught the kids the word "onomatopoeia" just because it is so fun to say! Anyway, yesterday I was reading a book and the word 'bam','zap, and 'swoosh' came up and of course I asked, "who remembers what those words are called?" Sweet little Jasmine in our class got so excited started bouncing up and down and said 'mamma-mamma-poeia' It was just so funny-we could not help but laugh! :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Yesterday was the anniversary of my granddaddy's death and I took the day to just really think about the good times with him and all the good memories we have with him! Granddaddy was a stupendous man whose life was one of humbleness, sharp wit, and frugality! There is so much that I can learn from the life of my wonderful granddaddy but one thing that I will always remember is, EVERY TIME i saw him, it never failed that he would ask, "how many boyfriends do you have now?" It always made me laugh and when I said none, he would say "good, none of them are good enough for you" :) Goodness I just love him and so wish that he could be here when I do find the one that is good enough! I loved his sharp wit and dry sense of humor! Something I certainly do not have but that my precious baby brother got from him! He always had a way of putting a smile on my face! We all miss him but know that he is living a happy joyful life with Jesus and is just smiling down on us! Cannot believe it has been a year! Love you Granddaddy!
 Our WONDERFUL trip to Europe with Grandmother and Granddaddy and some of their grandchildren!
Granddaddy with his girls and the ever prized internet access card on the cruise! (Cruisin' was granddaddy's favorite way to vacation :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Love Really Means...

"I will love you for you
Nor for what you have done or what you will become
I will love you for you
I will give you the love
The love that you never knew" 
-JJ Heller

That is the last lyric of this great song but in the beginning chorus it says "'cause nobody has shown me what love, what love really means." The first time I heard this song all I could think about what how thankful I am that I have parents that have exemplified what love really looks like, what a functional, stable, solid, LOVING relationship in Jesus looks like. I have friends that have absolutely no idea what a stable relationship looks like and that just breaks my heart! 

For those of you that do not know my parents, they are beyond amazing! They are fun and make me laugh! They give the best hugs! They are supportive and caring. They are encouraging. They are passionate. They love me for ME. Unconditionally. They urge me and challenge me in my relationship with Jesus. There is no doubt in ANYONE's mind (that has known them for 20 years or have just met them) that they love each other SO much. Most importantly they love the Lord with all their hearts!

I am just encouraged by their relationship and am very thankful that I have a stable relationship that shows me what love really looks like! No earthly relationship is perfect, they require a lot of work, but when the foundation is Jesus you have all the strength, encouragement, grace and power you could ever ask for! Mommy and Daddy, thank you for loving the Lord with all of your hearts, for making him the priority in our family and for showing me what love really means! I love you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Can you feel it? Can you smell it? Can you BELIEVE it? Spring is in the air and I absolutely LOVE this time of the year! The flowers are blooming, the weather is PERFECT, I love that the sun is shining yet there is still a cool breeze! Unfortunately, it is also the time of the much dreaded pollen, so I will be princess sniffles from now till forever I feel like sometimes! Thanks daddy for passing along those allergies ;) I will certainly enjoy this time and the beautiful weather, allergies and all!

Organization is like therapy for me! I like to organize and for things to be nice and tidy and clean. Mom may beg to differ because at home I just feel so relaxed that I don't ALWAYS do that, aren't you glad that I feel that way at home?! :) Anyway, friday afternoon, my sweet roomie Taylor and I decided our apartment needed a GOOD spring cleaning! We decided that Sunday afternoon would do the trick and that we would organize and clean and give our humble abode a good deep cleaning! (Side note: it is always tidy and clean but really cleaning it-NECESSARY) So we started organizing, got a little bit done and then decided it was SO nice outside so we would have to put it off until another day in time-nothing like procrastination, huh? However, all our friends will be leaving on friday for spring break (sigh) and tay and I will have plenty of quality time to get it done, so no fear, our apartment will be lickity splickity clean!

On Saturday, we noticed that our refrigerator was not quite as cold as it should be! What do you know it is broken and of course they cannot come until Monday to fix it, so we have things packed away in coolers in the hopes that it will be salvaged! Another excuse to not start our cleaning quite yet! :)

Spring cleaning also got me to thinking about cleaning in my life! I listened to Charles Stanley's sermon this morning and he preached a wonderful message about fighting our battles on our knees! The Lord wants to engage in your battles with you and there is NO way you will lose when you do it with him because he promises in Romans 8:38 that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him; who are called according to his purpose! Although it may not be the answer we necessarily want or the timing we would prefer, we can rest assured that it is for our GOOD!

Cleaning can mean a variety of different things, however I am thinking for myself that whatever battle I am going through that God wants to be right there to fight with me! However, a very important part of prayer is listening! Something I certainly struggle with! God wants to clean me, to go through all the layers until he gets to the heart of the issues and battle those with me! When we listen to the voice of our sovereign God, you will begin to know Him more and more and have the intimate relationship He longs for. While we learn to fight our battles on our knees, we must expect that He will bring up other issues in our lives! It takes repentance and FULL surrender for us to experience God's very best for each of us! Take the challenge with me...will you listen, surrender and fight your battles on your knees? Happy Spring Cleaning :)

Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

School News

Well it has been a while since I have really given a full detail school update! Besides the fact that it is really consuming my life, I really am just loving it, I am enjoying teaching, I am enjoying spending time with each and everyone of those precious children, and I am really enjoying my teacher. From the beginning of the semester when I thought it was going to be the LONGEST semester ever, was extremely uncertain and hesitant,  I have done a complete 180 and it is now FLYING by! So we'll break the detailed update up piece by piece starting with my teacher :)

Well we are still different, however we have found a connection in our difference, we work well together, and I have just really enjoyed getting to know who she is! She is a great teacher and I have learned a lot from her! Although she is not quite the planner that I am, I have found a way to work with that! My full time is pretty much starting up, so I'm trying to work on planning some fun things (input and ideas are SO welcome) and yet have the confidence to try some new things and really "take over!"

Now those precious children! Oh they are just so stinkin' cute they CANNOT help themselves. However, there are a few that just absolutely grate on my nerves but I love them anyway! I have to pray for some serious patience with those :) They have connected with me and they are really seeing me as their teacher now as well! I have been struggling with one little boy named C. He is just simply out of control! We have support from his parents about his behavior, he needs to be on medication and his parents know that but just do not want to start that at such a young age. He does not think I am his teacher, only Ms. Pruitt is his teacher so he does not have to listen to me or the aid! (that is what he told his parents) That has been a struggle because as much as I tell him that and I enforce the rules for him, it just does not click that I too am his teacher! Arg, it is quite frustrating and I am pretty positive I saw his name in my sleep because we say it so much throughout the day, all of us! We have a new boy that is also just out of control, I am beginning to dream his name also...welcome to kindergarten-especially with 26 of them! It is certainly never quiet and they never hush but I have learned to live with the loudness but more importantly to appreciate the silence!

All in all it has turned out to be a very enjoyable semester so far and I do not want it to end but it is certainly going by quickly! I am learning to live for each moment and am really trying to make the most of each opportunity I have! Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather and have gotten to spend some time outside! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We All Fall Down...

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" 

Jesus came as the perfect example for all of us! He showed how to live in the way that is going to bring him honor and glory. However, each one of us is a sinner and cannot possibly meet up to the standards that God requires of us! We are all sinners and we all fall down. 

I started thinking the other day about sin and what that looks like in day to day life. Often times our sins are very subtle that even we do not recognize and other times we can get caught up in bigger sins. Such small things like doubt, jealousy, and envy are things that I do not think of as being sinful, but they are not urging me to be more like Jesus! Life happens, disappointment comes and mistakes are made. God hates sin, despises it, yet he sent his ONLY son so that we, as sinful people, can have life and have it to the FULL (John 10:10)

I do not always make the right decisions and I certainly don't have it all together! I am trying to learn to look at my life, really dig down deeply to see where the sin hides so that the Lord can mold me and shape me into who HE wants me to become. That is a process and that process is often learning from the decisions and mistakes we make. My prayer is that the Lord would examine my heart and purify me so that I can become more like Jesus. For now, I will work on repenting and knowing that the Lord says "you are forgiven" and know that is grace covers a multitude of sins. 

"We all fall down, Life takes us out, The Sky starts spinning, when our heads get above the clouds, the higher we fly the harder it feels when we hit the ground." -Darius Rucker-

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Kristin Louise Jensen has been such an important part of my life for the past four years and today is her BIRTHDAY!!! For those that do not know, I LOVE birthdays a whole lot and I just think that people should feel very special on THEIR day! Kristin is fun and energetic! Teal is her favorite color and if she can get her hands on a good steak you better believe she will eat it right up! Has a little feisty spunk with her red hair! Loves the Lord with ALL her heart. Has a passion for serving others! Is a beautiful daughter and a loving sister. She will be the best nurse, preferably on labor and delivery, EVER! She is compassionate. She loves to sing. She has a phobia of throwing up. (Ironic right that she is going to be a nurse :) She has ATLEAST 2 TV shows a night that she keeps up with. She is a worrier! She is my sister in Zeta and most importantly in Christ! She is beautiful and loving!

All these things and MANY more make Kristin, Kristin! So uniquely HER and that is exactly how I love her and why she is such a wonderful friend! Happy Birthday Kristin!!!


As I look back on my time at Clemson and all the things that have shaped me into who I am today, my sorority, ZTA, has been a big part of that! Sororities have a HUGE stereotype, which is understandable and a lot of the rumors and stereotypes are true, however, what people do not see are the ins and outs of who each girl really is and what she brings to the group, how they enhance our sisterhood, and how much love there is for this group. Being in a sorority has been a struggle in more ways than one but it has also been such a blessing and I have been able to grow through this experience. It has taught me to persevere when I feel like I am not being heard, taught me to love when people seem unlovable, it has taught me to be humble and consider others better than myself, and it has taught me what Jesus looks like in a dark place! By no means have I conquered any of these things but I am learning and growing!

There are things people do that I do not agree with, we all make mistakes, and no matter what that reflects on the group you are involved in, especially when it involves greek life. My parents have always said that reputation is so important, which it is, and that I am not only representing myself but I am representing our family. That is the same with ZTA, we are bonded to one another in sisterhood and we represent the group as a whole and as one another. Sororities can be dramatic, overwhelming,so ridiculous sometimes, and often times girls place themselves in a "class" based on their sorority. If you look at Clemson population, I can guarantee that the most broken girls, including me are part of my 'family' in ZTA! However, how often do I find myself saying, "can you believe she did that?" "did you hear what happened with this," etc, etc. An ongoing gossip train that is a deadly trap.

Something was recently brought to my attention in which a member of ZTA made a mistake and is paying the price for that mistake. Yes, she may be at fault, however, she should not be judged and/or ridiculed, by the girls who are supposed to have her back! In the bible, we see that Jesus was always surrounded by the poor, the lame, the sick and diseased, those who were considered "below" the middle class, because he did not care about their status or WHAT THEY HAD DONE! He wanted to extend his love and show that His grace was and is ENOUGH! Doesn't Jesus do the same thing for me when I fall and mess up, he picks me right back up, brushes me off, and says keep going, there is NOTHING you can do that will make me stop loving you! As I relish in this last semester student teaching and being in a sorority, I am finding myself very sad to leave this group! And through this last semester, it will be my goal to be bold in loving these girls unconditionally and being bold in showing each of them Jesus through my lifestyle and enhance this sisterhood!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finishing the Book...

Bad bloggers annoy me sometimes, probably because I just LOVE to know people's stories and stay in the know! So for those of you that are like me and get annoyed by bad bloggers...I give you FULL permission to be annoyed with me--I have been a terrible blogger, but I am back :) 

The past week has just been simply crazy! Getting through each day is a blessing in and of itself! Speaking of blessings...have you enjoy this elamagorgeous weather that we have been having! All any of us can say to that is Thank you JESUS! What a blessing a beautiful day is, don't pass up appreciating the simple things! 

Well school has certainly been interesting, crazy, LOUD, and exciting but I am continuing to enjoy my time with those precious kids! We have recently gained a new student so now we are up to 26, WOW, that makes for serious crowd control! :) Seriously though when I am not "shhh" ing or saying "hush" I am so enjoying teaching and being a part of each one of their education. One of the most rewarding things to see is a child to get excited about learning. I have this one little boy named Landen that has simply just captured my heart! He loves to learn, has the most precious voice, and is cute as can be! Landen is a quite the reader, he loves to say "Miss Salley, can you please come read this with me?" And of course you know I come running! He gets so excited when he stumbles on a big word that he doesn't know and then stretches it out and when he finishes the book you would think that he had just won a million dollars! I LOVE being a part of that! 

Little Landen gets so excited and happy about finishing a book, which got me to thinking, what do I get really happy and excited about? Is it beautiful weather, it it a new pair of shoes, is it spending time with friends, etc, etc? Or do I relish in the simple things like 'finishing a book'!! Let's live with the priceless happiness that Landen has over finishing his book!