Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finishing the Book...

Bad bloggers annoy me sometimes, probably because I just LOVE to know people's stories and stay in the know! So for those of you that are like me and get annoyed by bad bloggers...I give you FULL permission to be annoyed with me--I have been a terrible blogger, but I am back :) 

The past week has just been simply crazy! Getting through each day is a blessing in and of itself! Speaking of blessings...have you enjoy this elamagorgeous weather that we have been having! All any of us can say to that is Thank you JESUS! What a blessing a beautiful day is, don't pass up appreciating the simple things! 

Well school has certainly been interesting, crazy, LOUD, and exciting but I am continuing to enjoy my time with those precious kids! We have recently gained a new student so now we are up to 26, WOW, that makes for serious crowd control! :) Seriously though when I am not "shhh" ing or saying "hush" I am so enjoying teaching and being a part of each one of their education. One of the most rewarding things to see is a child to get excited about learning. I have this one little boy named Landen that has simply just captured my heart! He loves to learn, has the most precious voice, and is cute as can be! Landen is a quite the reader, he loves to say "Miss Salley, can you please come read this with me?" And of course you know I come running! He gets so excited when he stumbles on a big word that he doesn't know and then stretches it out and when he finishes the book you would think that he had just won a million dollars! I LOVE being a part of that! 

Little Landen gets so excited and happy about finishing a book, which got me to thinking, what do I get really happy and excited about? Is it beautiful weather, it it a new pair of shoes, is it spending time with friends, etc, etc? Or do I relish in the simple things like 'finishing a book'!! Let's live with the priceless happiness that Landen has over finishing his book! 

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