Yesterday was the anniversary of my granddaddy's death and I took the day to just really think about the good times with him and all the good memories we have with him! Granddaddy was a stupendous man whose life was one of humbleness, sharp wit, and frugality! There is so much that I can learn from the life of my wonderful granddaddy but one thing that I will always remember is, EVERY TIME i saw him, it never failed that he would ask, "how many boyfriends do you have now?" It always made me laugh and when I said none, he would say "good, none of them are good enough for you" :) Goodness I just love him and so wish that he could be here when I do find the one that is good enough! I loved his sharp wit and dry sense of humor! Something I certainly do not have but that my precious baby brother got from him! He always had a way of putting a smile on my face! We all miss him but know that he is living a happy joyful life with Jesus and is just smiling down on us! Cannot believe it has been a year! Love you Granddaddy!
Our WONDERFUL trip to Europe with Grandmother and Granddaddy and some of their grandchildren!
Granddaddy with his girls and the ever prized internet access card on the cruise! (Cruisin' was granddaddy's favorite way to vacation :)
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