Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Can you feel it? Can you smell it? Can you BELIEVE it? Spring is in the air and I absolutely LOVE this time of the year! The flowers are blooming, the weather is PERFECT, I love that the sun is shining yet there is still a cool breeze! Unfortunately, it is also the time of the much dreaded pollen, so I will be princess sniffles from now till forever I feel like sometimes! Thanks daddy for passing along those allergies ;) I will certainly enjoy this time and the beautiful weather, allergies and all!

Organization is like therapy for me! I like to organize and for things to be nice and tidy and clean. Mom may beg to differ because at home I just feel so relaxed that I don't ALWAYS do that, aren't you glad that I feel that way at home?! :) Anyway, friday afternoon, my sweet roomie Taylor and I decided our apartment needed a GOOD spring cleaning! We decided that Sunday afternoon would do the trick and that we would organize and clean and give our humble abode a good deep cleaning! (Side note: it is always tidy and clean but really cleaning it-NECESSARY) So we started organizing, got a little bit done and then decided it was SO nice outside so we would have to put it off until another day in time-nothing like procrastination, huh? However, all our friends will be leaving on friday for spring break (sigh) and tay and I will have plenty of quality time to get it done, so no fear, our apartment will be lickity splickity clean!

On Saturday, we noticed that our refrigerator was not quite as cold as it should be! What do you know it is broken and of course they cannot come until Monday to fix it, so we have things packed away in coolers in the hopes that it will be salvaged! Another excuse to not start our cleaning quite yet! :)

Spring cleaning also got me to thinking about cleaning in my life! I listened to Charles Stanley's sermon this morning and he preached a wonderful message about fighting our battles on our knees! The Lord wants to engage in your battles with you and there is NO way you will lose when you do it with him because he promises in Romans 8:38 that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him; who are called according to his purpose! Although it may not be the answer we necessarily want or the timing we would prefer, we can rest assured that it is for our GOOD!

Cleaning can mean a variety of different things, however I am thinking for myself that whatever battle I am going through that God wants to be right there to fight with me! However, a very important part of prayer is listening! Something I certainly struggle with! God wants to clean me, to go through all the layers until he gets to the heart of the issues and battle those with me! When we listen to the voice of our sovereign God, you will begin to know Him more and more and have the intimate relationship He longs for. While we learn to fight our battles on our knees, we must expect that He will bring up other issues in our lives! It takes repentance and FULL surrender for us to experience God's very best for each of us! Take the challenge with me...will you listen, surrender and fight your battles on your knees? Happy Spring Cleaning :)

Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Kendall! Isn't it great how the Lord can teach us even in life's little chores.
    From one Type A to another I love Spring Cleaning. . .I have a little more mess than you though. : )
